SUCE is pleased to present our 4th Graduate Series of the semester, Women in Industry (WII) Panels where our panelists will provide insight into gender issues in the industry. In WII#1, you may hear from the opinions of Bronwyn Evans AM, CEO of Engineers Australia, and Ziggy Napier, Head of Major Projects & Commercial at the Sydney Opera House to gain some knowledge about the challenges a female might face in a heavily dominated male industry and the tips on how to deal with gender issues in the workplace.
The event will run with an interview of the panelists, a short presentation about the Women in Industry (WII), and followed by a Q&A session.
Join us on Wednesday, 30th of March from 5 PM - 6 PM for our Graduate Series!
Zoom link:
Sign up:
Please ensure you sign into Zoom with your university email so that your PEP hours can be approved
You must sign up for the event and attend the Zoom session to obtain PEP hours (no partial hours will be awarded)
For any other PEP related inquiries, visit our PEP Page on our website