SUCE Newsletter - Week 10


SUCE Newsletter Week 10

 02/05/2022 - 08/05/2022
Hi Ya!

Welcome to week 10, which sounds a bit scary, it feels like we just finished mid-sem break but the end of the semester is just around the corner. But don't panic; we're always here, check out what we have in store for you!
Table of Content


Lacking those connections?

🤔 Looking to learn about the industry and what it has to offer?

‍♀️ Want to grab those connections and get a head-start in the industry?

Look no further!! SUCE PRESENTS...

Careers Night *

🥂 Come along for a night of drinks and networking with our sponsors. Learn more about companies and how you can get your foot in the door.

Learn the secrets from industry reps themselves to landing those almost impossible cadetships, internships and graduate programs. Spend the night making industry connections and meeting like-minded students along the way.

Our current lineup:

  1. Jacobs
  2. Northrop
  3. Connell Griffen
  4. North Projects
  5. Engineers Australia
  6. GHD
  7. Robert Bird Group

When: Wednesday 6:30 - 8:30 PM 4th May 2022

Where: Courtyard Restaurant and Bar


Ticket Link:

As this is an in-person event involving students, industry representatives and event staff, we request that all attendees on the night show at the entrance of the venue, proof of a negative RAT test within 24 hours or a negative PCR test within 72 hours of attending the event.

Tickets will be available from the 29th of April to the 2nd of May at $30 for SUCE members and $35 for non-SUCE members. See further details closer to the date.

Don’t miss the biggest event of this semester!

More Information

SUCE is pleased to present our 5th Graduate Series of the semester, Women In Industry (WII) Panel #2 which will provide insight into gender issues in the industry. In WII#2, you will hear from female employees of our Gold Sponsors, Robert Bird Group who will share their experiences and advice.

RBG has provided us with Aubrey Bullen, an associate in the Structures team. The event will run with an interview of the panelists, a short presentation about the Women in Industry (WII), and followed by a Q and A session. ‍

Join us on Tuesday, 3rd of May from 5 PM - 6 PM for our Graduate Series!

Zoom link:

Sign up:


  • Please ensure you sign into Zoom with your university email so that your PEP hours can be approved.
  • You must sign up to the event and attend the Zoom session to obtain PEP hours (no partial hours will be awarded).
  • For any other PEP related inquiries, visit our PEP Page on our website ( for more.
Sign up now!

Let’s celebrate! We’ve finally gotten through the semester (almost)!

To mark this little milestone, after a long few weeks of assessments and stress, it’s time for some FREE Pides from OzTurk!

This event is made possible by North Projects!

North Projects is a multi-disciplinary consulting firm specialising in project management, property, infrastructure and more. They value sustainable yet simple solutions for their clients, and strongly support their graduates in their career growth, encouraging multiple skills for a wide range of engineering disciplines. Find out more on our sponsors' page at!

Keen to re-kindle those friendships from the previous Comfort Food Event?

Looking for a moment to have some MORE great food, company and overall, a good time?

Then, this is the event for you. Come join us and enjoy some company!

Did I mention there’s free food? Excited to see you there!

Sign up now!

PEP YouTube Attendance Requirements

If you have missed our pep events, you can watch our recording and filled an attendance form!

The recording attendance will be uploaded to the attendance sheet at the end of the semester, so if you haven't seen your name on the attendance sheet, do not be panic.

All recordings are available here, and check your attendance here! But if you are still not sure about the rule of our SUCE PEP PACKAGES, check this requirement and always feel free to ask SUCE members.

Join our WeChat Group

Do you have WeChat? Join us by scanning the QR code below!
We'll invite you to our WeChat group and you can make some new friends!
Newsletters are new! Any feedback? You are most welcome to fill in this form with any suggestions or criticisms.
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SUCE Newsletter - Week 11


SUCE Newsletter - Week 9