Multiplex (IT#3) Video

Hello engineers, We have our second event for our PEP series coming up:

🚨Industry Talk #3 with Multiplex🚨

Listen to professionals representing a company that provides expert solutions to a broad range of building and infrastructure sectors such as Buildings, Infrastructure and Urban Regeneration.

Choosing where to start your career is an important decision to make, and that is why SUCE (Sydney University Civil Engineers) has partnered with Multiplex to deliver "Multiplex @ USYD" on 22 March 2023.

The Multiplex Graduate and Cadet Program has a long-standing reputation for being one of the construction industry's most comprehensive and over the years Multiplex has recruited outstanding graduates and cadets from major universities across the country including the University of Sydney.

This event will be an excellent opportunity for you to hear in-depth about the Multiplex Graduate and Cadet Program, career opportunities and pathways at Multiplex and some of the iconic projects, past and present, that the Multiplex team have had the pleasure of bringing to life.

Attendance forms have closed for this event


Breaking the Bias(Women Academic Panel) (AS#1) Slides


Robert Bird Group (IT#2) Video