X-ray Vision use in Modern Environmental Challenges (AS#2) Video
Unfortunately due to external events beyond our control, the video for AS#2 is no longer available and therefore YouTube Attendance Forms for this seminar has been closed off.
SUCE cannot guarantee that videos are available to watch throughout the duration of the semester, and therefore it is strongly encouraged to attend the live zoom session on the day. Given that the seminar was available from 24th March to 5th May inclusive, we believe that this was sufficient time for students to complete the YouTube Attendance Form.
📖 SUCE is proud to announce the second event of our Academic Seminar PEP Package, "Can X-ray vision help us tackle some of modern environmental challenges?" presented by Assoc. Prof. Mohammad Saadatfar.
🦺 Assoc. Prof. Mohammad Saadatfar conducts research in materials engineering. His research specifically focuses on understanding the structure-property relationship of meso-scale materials. Meso-scale materials typically possess intrinsic structures which are orders of magnitude larger than atomic or molecular scales but smaller than scales familiar to everyday human experience. This class of materials include for instance bone, wood, carbon fibre composites, geomaterials and rocks. Understanding the behaviour of meso-scale materials requires cross-disciplinary approach at the interface of physics, engineering, mathematics and biology.
💥 Hear from Assoc. Prof. Saadatfar on how he works combine experiments with simulations and modelling to enable solving real-world problems encountered in environmental science, bio-medical engineering and the design of advanced materials.
▪️ For any other PEP related inquiries, visit our PEP Page on our website suce.info/pep
YouTube Attendance Forms have now closed (Deadline Monday 9th May 11:59pm)