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IS3: North Projects

Hello engineers ❗️ We have our third event for our PEP series coming up:


 ✨Industry Seminar #3 with North Projects✨


👷Take a peek into the minds of professionals representing North Projects, a multi-disciplinary consultancy that collaborates and connects property and infrastructure with strategy, advice and delivery. 🤩In this event where university meets industry, kickstart your career and professional skills by making connections and seeing how you can grow.


📅When: Monday 18th September

🕛Time: 5-6 PM

📍Where: Zoom

💻Zoom link:


⚠️This event is a part of our PEP package and you must sign up and attend, or complete the attendance form to receive your hours. **Note that no partial hours will be awarded**


✅Don’t let this opportunity pass you by and mark your calendars today.

Dont forget to SIGN UP


11 September

Academic Seminar 1: Marshal Alkouz

18 October

Engineering Ball - 007: License to Engineer