Zoom Link: https://uni-sydney.zoom.us/j/86763289208
❗❗Industry Talk #3 happening next Wednesday 7th September❗❗
🏗 In Industry Talk #3, you will get to hear from our sponsors at Northrop, an engineering consultancy with over 450 people across NSW, ACT, QLD and VIC. They believe in developing people to their full potential, building longstanding client relationships and helping their clients realise their potential through their determination for success.
🗣The event will run with an interview of the panellists, a short presentation about North Projects and followed by a Q and A session.
Join us on Wednesday, 7th of September from 5 PM - 6 PM for our Industry Talk!
Zoom link: https://uni-sydney.zoom.us/j/86763289208
Slido: https://app.sli.do/event/fMDHcwTagRhvBwwdPAYo6e
- Please ensure you sign into Zoom with your university email so that your PEP hours can be approved.
- You must sign up to the event and attend the Zoom session to obtain PEP hours (no partial hours will be awarded).
- For any other PEP related inquiries, visit our PEP Page on our website suce.info/pep